When’s the best time to arrive?

We think it will be best to come early. So you’ll get the full experience.

Akan lebih baik apabila kalian datang lebih awal.

What will I see inside the festival?

More than just music! There’s also good food, fashion and interesting games inside the festival!

Bukan hanya sekadar musik. Kalian juga akan menemukan makanan, fashion dan juga permainan-permainan menarik di dalam area festival.

Will you be posting rundown in advance?

Of course, go check www.wethefest.com, @We.The.Fest on Instagram and WE THE FEST on Facebook.

Tentu saja, silahkan cek di www.wethefest.com , @We.The.Fest di Instagram dan WE THE FEST di Facebook.

Are strollers allowed into the venue?

Yes they are. This is an all-ages event, your babies should be comfy in style.

Boleh. Ini adalah event untuk segala usia.

What are considered professional cameras and professional digital cameras? Are they allowed?

DSLR &SLR camera, long lens camera and camera with interchangeable lenses are considered as professional digital camera. Those, are NOT ALLOWED. You can bring your mirrorless, pocket camera, disposable analog camera and polaroid camera.

DSLR & SLR kamera, kamera lensa panjang dan kamera dengan lensa yang dapat dilepas pasang, termasuk dalam kategori kamera profesional dan TIDAK DIPERBOLEHKAN. Kamu boleh membawa kamera mirrorless, kamera poket, disposable analog, dan kamera polaroid.

So can I bring my video camera in too?

Professional broadcast video cameras are not allowed. Take pictures as much as you want and share them!

Dilarang membawa jenis video kamera profesional yang biasa digunakan untuk kualitas siaran TV.

What’s the difference between VIB and GA?

Both will get you to enter the festival and experience the fun. VIB gets more classy treatments in the VIB section with its own bar and service. You even get your own viewing area right in front of the stages.

Keduanya dapat digunakan untuk memasuki festival. Namun, apabila anda mempunyai tiket VIB, anda dapat menikmati special treatment di VIB area, bahkan anda juga akan mendapatkan VIB viewing area di depan stage.

Are pets allowed?

Sorry, you would have to leave them at home 🙁

Maaf, tetapi kalian harus meninggalkan hewan peliharaan kalian di rumah 🙁

If I have to exit the venue, can I come back in?

Yes, you may re-enter the festival area. But everything is basically provided inside the venue. So, there is no reason for you to go out from the festival, unless of an emergency, of course.

Kalian akan diperbolehkan untuk memasuki kembali area festival.

What should we wear?

You can wear anything that is comfortable to you. But remember, this is Summer! Wear your perky, cool summer attires. Wear comfy shoes instead of heels or sandals.

Kenakan saja pakaian yang nyaman menurut kamu. Karena acara dimulai dari siang, ingat bahwa cuaca bisa menjadi sangat panas. Sangat disarankan mengenakan sepatu.

Is there any foods & drinks? Or can we bring foods & drinks inside?

You can’t bring foods & drinks you bought elsewhere into the festival. But don’t worry! Some of your most favorite Ismaya Group restaurant concepts are ready to serve you the most delicious food inside the festival. We mean it!

Dilarang membawa makanan dan minuman dari luar. Ismaya Group akan menyediakan konsep resto F&B yang akan menyediakan makanan dan minuman buat kalian selama festival berlangsung. Pastikan anda membawa uang tunai yang cukup.

Is there any ATM on the festival area?

Yes, we have ATM on site. You can check the exact spot on our venue map at the festival area.

Kami memiliki mesin ATM di festival area, anda bisa menemukannya di peta yang akan ada di area festival pada hari H.

Where is Medic located?

Yes of course! Medic will be provided at the venue, we will have multiple medic spots, you can check it on our venue map.

Ya, tentu saja! Tenaga medis akan tersedia pada saat acara berlangsung, kita mempunyai beberapa titik area dengan petugas medik yang akan bertugas saat acara berlangsung.

How do I get there?

Please stay tuned to our official website www.wethefest.com and our official social media account for more info about getting to and from the festival

Anda bisa melihat bagaimana cara untuk pergi menuju ke festival dan pergi keluar dari festival melalui web resmi kami www.wethefest.com

Will there be a Lost & Found? (Lost keys, cell phones, etc.)

Yes, there will be a Lost & Found booth which might be clearly marked on the venue map. The location near to the toilet area.

Ya, akan ada booth Lost & Found yang mungkin secara jelas ditandai pada venue map. Lokasi terletak di dekat daerah toilet.

What are the ticket prices for WTF?

Please go to www.wethefest.com for further price details.

Silakan kunjungi www.wethefest.com untuk rincian harga lebih lanjut.

What are the categories for WTF Ticket?

a. a GA Ticket grants you entry through the gate of WTF, where you are free to wander and explore the festival.

b. a VIB Ticket holder will make sure you experience the best of WTF! In addition to everything a GA ticket offers, VIB ticket holders will have access to: Special VIB Entry Line, VIB Bar, VIB Toilet, VIB Lounge, Exclusive VIB Viewing Area in Front of Stages.

c. an Early Entry Ticket holder will get to have more time to explore the festival as they have to arrive in the festival before 4 pm. The festival is filled with exciting all-day activities that will give festival goers a memorable experience that is just beyond going to a music festival.

Tiket GA memberikan anda masuk melalui gate WTF, di mana anda dengan bebas untuk berkeliaran dan mengeksplorasi festival.

Seorang pemegang tiket VIB akan dipastikan anda mendapatkan pengalaman yang terbaik dari WTF! Selain yang ditawarkan pemegang tiket GA, pemegang tiket VIB akan memiliki akses ke jalur masuk khusus, VIB Bar, VIB Toilet, VIB Lounge, VIB akan mendapatkan viewing area di depan stage.

Pemegang tiket Early Entry akan dapat memiliki lebih banyak waktu untuk mengeksplor festival, karena mereka harus tiba di festival sebelum pukul 4 sore. Festival ini akan terdapat acara atau kegiatan yang menarik sepanjang hari yang akan memberikan pengunjung festival sebuah pengalaman yang tak terlupakan dan tidak hanya pergi untuk melihat festival musik.

Can I buy a Cabana Banana ticket class?

Yes, you can buy Cabana Banana ticket class. Please visit www.wethefest.com for more info.

Anda dapat membeli tiket Cabana Banana. Silahkan kunjungi: www.wethefest.com untuk informasi lebih lanjut.

How can I buy the tickets?

You can buy tickets through our official website, www.wethefest.com

Tiket dapat dibeli melalui situs resmi kami, www.wethefest.com.


What do you mean by EARLY ENTRY ticket?

Anyone with this type of ticket has to enter the festival area BEFORE 4 PM, otherwise you have to top up to enter the area.

Siapapun yang membeli tiket jenis EARLY ENTRY harus masuk ke area festival SEBELUM pukul 16:00 atau diharuskan melakukan top up sesuai dengan harga yang berlaku saat itu.

Is there a limit on how many tickets I can buy?

You can buy up to 4 tickets per person in one time purchase.

Untuk presale 1, kalian boleh beli sampai 2 tiket per orang. Untuk tipe tiket lainnya, kalian boleh beli sampai dengan 8 tiket per orang.

Will tickets be sold at the venue?

Yes, if they’re not sold out yet.

Ya, dengan catatan bahwa tiket belum SOLD OUT.

If I buy the tickets on the designated #WTF24 ticket boxes, will I get the physical tickets right away?

All ticket purchases, aside from on site purchases, will receive an e-voucher that must be exchanged with a wristband. E-voucher exchange venue and time will be announced a few weeks before the event day.

Semua pembelian tiket, kecuali pembelian tiket di venue, akan menerima e-voucher yang harus ditukarkan dengan wristband. Tempat dan penukaran e-voucher akan kami infokan beberapa minggu sebelum hari-H.

What should I bring for the e-voucher exchange?

If you exchange your own #WTF24 Ticket under your own name, just show the BARCODE of your e-voucher during the exchange and the ID that matches with the name writtern in the e-voucher (KTP/SIM/PASSPORT).

If you’re exchanging for your friends, you must bring the printed e-voucher, a letter of attorney that has been signed by your friend and a copy of your friend’s ID (KTP/SIM/PASSPORT). If you friend purchased their ticket using a credit card, you must bring a copy of their credit card when exchanging.

Untuk penukaran tiket #WTF24 atas nama pribadi (milik sendiri), pengunjung hanya perlu menunjukkan BARCODE yang tertera di e-voucher pada saat proses penukaran tiket dan KTP/SIM/PASPOR (kartu identitas yang berlaku) dan kartu kredit yang dipakai saat membeli tiket jika kamu menggunakan kartu kredit.

Untuk penukaran e-voucher yang diwakilkan oleh orang lain, orang tersebut diharuskan untuk membawa e-voucher yangs sudah dicetak dan surat kuasa yang telah kamu tandatangani (format surat kuasa akan tersedia di www.wethefest.com), fotokopi KTP/SIM/PASSPOR (kartu identitas yang berlaku) milik kamu dan fotokopi kartu kredit kamu jika kamu membeli tiket menggunakan kartu kredit.

What is the valid pass to enter the venue? Tickets or wristbands?

Your wristband. If you do not wear any wristbands at the festival vicinity and area, you will not be allowed to enter. Tickets will not be a substitute pass if incase you did not bring your wristband.

Wristband anda. Apabila anda tidak menggunakan wristband, anda tidak akan diperbolehkan memasuki area acara. Jika anda tidak membawa wristband anda, tiket TIDAK DAPAT dijadikan pengganti untuk memasuki area acara.

Where and when can I collect my wristband?

MORE INFO SOON. Make sure you keep checking this website.

AKAN DIINFOKAN LEBIH LANJUT. Pastikan kamu selalu memeriksa website ini.

What if I do not collect my wristband before the day festival?

We STRONGLY advise you to collect your wristbands before the day of the festival so you would enter the festival on the day without hassle and enjoy the experience

Kami sangat menyarankan agar anda mengambil wristband anda pada tanggal yang telah ditentukan, sehingga pada hari acara anda dapat memasuki festival tanpa kesulitan.

Can I try or wear my wristband before the event?

You can wear your wristbands once you get them, but once you’ve tried it on, you CANNOT and ARE NOT allowed to take them off because it will damage the wristband. Remember, please treat your wristbands carefully and hold on to it. YOUR WRISTBAND = YOUR PASS = YOUR MONEY

Anda dapat langsung menggunakan wristband anda pada saat anda menerimanya, akan tetapi anda TIDAK bisa melepaskan atau mencoba melepaskannya, karena itu akan merusak wristband anda. Ingat! Anda harus menjaga wristband anda dengan sangat baik, karena wristband ini adalah tanda masuk anda.

I accidentally damaged my wristband, what do I do?

Sorry, there’s nothing we can do. Once we give it to you, it becomes your possession, it becomes your responsibility, NOT ours. See the previous question.

Maaf, tapi tidak ada yang dapat kami lakukan. Setelah kami berikan wristband kepada anda, wristband tersebut telah menjadi milik anda, tanggung jawab anda. Silahkan lihat kembali pertanyaan sebelumnya

Is the Festival all ages?

Yes. But kids under the age of 13 years old are suggested to be accompanied by an adult aged 18 years old or older.

Tidak ada. Tetapi kami menyarankan penonton dibawah 13 tahun untuk didampingi orang dewasa berumur 18 tahun keatas.

Are kids aged 5 and under allowed in free?

Yes, they are. Kids aged under 5 years old are free of admission. 

Iya, anak yang berumur di bawah 5 tahun tidak akan dikenakan biaya masuk

What age does a responsible adult have to be?

Definitely 18 years old! Even the government says so

Tentu saja orang yang sudah berumur diatas 18 tahun

How can I get an ID Pass for media?

You can ask any question that related to media by sending us your enquiries via email to [email protected] or [email protected]

Anda bisa mengirimkan segala pertanyaan anda yang berhubungan dengan media melalui email dan kirim ke [email protected] atau [email protected]

Is there any locker provided in the festival area?

Of course, but we’re recommend you not to bring any baggage to the festival area. So you can go straight to the festival area and have some fun!

Tentu, namun kami merekomendasi anda untuk tidak membawa tas ke area festival. Sehingga anda bisa langsung ke area festival dan bersenang – senang!